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MS-CAP President
Stacy is an Orginal Founding member of MS-CAP. She has a background as a first responder/fire fighter for over 10 years and a degree in Homeland Security and Emergency Management. She has been involved in rescue for more than 20 years. During Hurricane Katrina and numerous emergencies since 2005, Stacy has seen the need for improvements in the animal rescue world.
MS-CAP Vice President
MS-CAP Treasurer
Doris is an Original Founding Member of MS-CAP. She is the owner of Wings & Prayer Farm in South Mississippi. She has many years experience in Wildlife Rescue & Rehabilitation. She is also very experienced in rescue and rehabilitation of domestic cats.
Our Rescue Inspiration
Buddy was the victim of Domestic Violence along with his Human family members. Unfortunately when his human family left the perpetrator, there was no safe place for Buddy to escape with them or into the domestic violence center in 2018. Buddy then had to live with his violent human for approximately 18 months more while the humans fought over his custody in court. Finally, in Spring of 2020, the perpurtator finally gave Buddy to his back to his human family. Buddy was rushed to the vet (by his humans) only to learn that he was very sick from lack of veternarian care, proper diet and clean living environment. Buddy had scars, both physically and mentally. Buddy had to be treated for Lyme Disease along with many parasites. In fall of 2020, Buddy was finally given a clean bill of health. He is still living with his humans who are survivors of Domestic Violence. We know that many lives both Human & Animals are lost daily due to Domestic Violence and so..... After seeing what Buddy went through, this inspired the Founders of MS-CAP to begin a rescue to make sure that no animal has to be left behind in a CRISIS situation.